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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rheumatoid Arthritis - What You Should Know

Rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis are systemic diseases affecting the whole body, although the joints usually are the most affected. Other areas affected include the eyes, glands, mouth and blood vessels. In severe cases it can cause permanent damage to body tissue and the cartilage of the joints, and eventually deform and even destroy joints. In some people, only one or two joint are affected. In others, the disease is widespread and very active. About 30 per cent of people who contract rheumatoid arthritis appear to recover completely within a few years.

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A Review of a New TNF Inhibitor for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Up until the 1980's, the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis was less than satisfactory. We used drugs such as gold salts, d-penicillamine, hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), sulfa drugs, and even tetracycline-derived antibiotics. For some patients who responded to these measures, the results were gratifying.

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Shakeology Confessions

Is Shakeology a scam? Hear from a real person who finally bit the bullet and found out the hard way.

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How Exercising Can Help Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a serious disease of the muscles, that when not dealt with, can have crippling effects on the whole body. The disease, although it is hard to diagnose, is becoming more and more common within the western culture. The symptoms of fibromyalgia can include, but are not limited to digestive problems, problems with sleeping, muscle cramps and spasms, widespread or localized pain, as well as an intolerance to cold and drafty weather. Fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety and the inability to think clearly are also common symptoms.

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Gout - What Not To Eat If You Want to Avoid Gout

Knowing about the foods that you should not eat when you have gout could actually make a huge difference in how much you suffer through the flare-ups. Gout is not something that keeps you in constant pain.

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Sexism Charges Divide Surgeons' Group

A Valentine's Day editorial in the American College of Surgeons' newspaper raises questions about the current leadership and its attitudes towards women and gay and lesbian members.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Adobe Flash zero-day shows a Chinese connection

Adobe Flash zero-day shows a Chinese connection

Permit me to start with a truism: In the world of computer forensics, you never really know anything for sure. With that as a given, the case of the new Flash zero-day exploit keeps getting curiouser and curiouser, and "China" keeps popping up.

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Uric Acid Foods To Avoid - Becoming Free From Gout

One of the biggest uric acid foods to avoid is organ meats like liver and kidneys. It is not because they actually contain uric acid, but because the types of proteins they contain are broken down in our bodies and produce uric acid as a result.

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Gout - What Not To Eat If You Want to Avoid Gout

Knowing about the foods that you should not eat when you have gout could actually make a huge difference in how much you suffer through the flare-ups. Gout is not something that keeps you in constant pain.

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Why Joint Pain Is A Serious Health Signal

Most people with chronic joint pain miss the real significance of their symptoms. That's because the significance of joint pain goes far beyond its obvious symptoms of discomfort. Regardless of whether the pain is worse with movement or after periods of inactivity or both, the underlying message your body is sending is that there's inflammation present.

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Are Gawky Adolescents More Injury Prone?

The growth spurts of early adolescence are a prime time for sports injuries, a result, perhaps, of the developing teenage body -- and brain.

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Why Eating Several Meals A Day (Grazing) Is Good

You may have heard that grazing, in other words eating between meals, is a bad thing and should be avoided. You might also have heard that instead you should eat 3 square meals a day and not have anything in between. Well this could well be a good thing, if compared to the way many people eat.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Planning a development project? Bring your wallet

Good news for developers! According to a new report from Forrester, titled "The State of Application Development in Enterprises and SMBs," North American and European companies are more likely to maintain or increase their level of spending on software development in the coming year than to decrease it. Also, software development will account for a larger portion of companies' IT budgets in 2011 than in recent years.

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Testicular Cancer ? Symptoms and Signs

Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is the disease condition where malignant cancer cells are noted in the testicles, the male?s gonads or sex glands and are often felt as painless lumps. These gonads are placed inside a sac (scrotum) and are responsible for the production and storage of sperm cells.� Additionally, they are the chief source of the male hormones, testosterone, that influence the maturity of the reproductive organs and the development of other physical characteristics in males. Matched up to other cancer types, testicular cancer is quite rare but is considered to be the most common type afflicting American males between 15 and 34 years old. The cancer is classified [...]

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Indomethacin for Gout

Indomethacin is very popular medication used for gout. This article is filled with information about Indomethacin. The good and the bad.

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Doctor, What Is Frozen Shoulder?

A relatively common problem seen by rheumatologists in practice... and one for which specialized arthritis diagnosis and treatment techniques are needed, is frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a fairly common affliction of the shoulder. Patients complain of pain in the shoulder.

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5 Ways to Lose Weight and Stay in Shape

How's your weight? Do you need to release 10 lbs. or more? The good news is that you can lose eight and stay in shape if that's truly what you desire. It's up to you to decide to release excess weight. It's imperative that you get to the 'root' cause of the weight; otherwise it could stay on your body permanently.

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?Happy? or ?Positive? People Observed to Have Fewer Heart Attacks, Data Show Positive Emotions May Help Protect Against Heart Disease

Karina Davidson, Ph.D., Director, Intervention Research Behavioral Cardiovascular Health & Hypertension Program. NEW YORK (Feb. 18, 2010) ? Columbia University Medical Center researchers studying the link between emotions and heart disease believe that their recent study, published in the latest issue of the European Society of Cardiology?s European Heart Journal, is the first to show [...]

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Fat Burning Activities For Weight Loss

There are many things that dieters have to take into consideration when aiming to lose some weight. Of course, one of the key things to consider is what you will be eating as part of your weight loss regime. Most people have to make pretty dramatic changes to their diet, cutting out snacks, counting calories, and being very mindful of fat content and portion sizes.

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Hackers step up attacks on security firms

Hackers step up attacks on security firms

The Internet's security infrastructure is under attack.

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10 Top Tips for Increasing Staff Engagement and Results with Wellness Initiatives

The buzzwords for this year's World Health Day are 'no action today, no cure for tomorrow.' These words couldn't be more relevant when it comes to the health and wellness of every single individual, within every single organisation around the world.

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How Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Affects Children

Youngsters, as sad as it is, suffer from many different forms of arthritis. The most common form is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or JRA. The disease is also known as Still`s disease, or juvenile chronic polyarthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can strike a child at any time, from infancy on to the age of sixteen years of age. Most often it strikes between ages two and five, and from ages nine to twelve. It is more common for girls to be affected than boys.

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A Review of a New TNF Inhibitor for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Up until the 1980's, the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis was less than satisfactory. We used drugs such as gold salts, d-penicillamine, hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), sulfa drugs, and even tetracycline-derived antibiotics. For some patients who responded to these measures, the results were gratifying.

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How To Tell If Neck Pain Is Caused By Arthritis

Neck pain can affect us for many different reasons, and not all neck pain is necessarily caused by arthritis. Because treatment for the various causes of neck pain can be different, it becomes important to get a proper diagnosis in order to receive proper treatment.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Impact of HCG In Weight Loss

Using HCG in weight loss is a current fad or something real that works? Find out about HCG and how it works, is it safe, does it work and most importantly is it for you.

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CIOs can't delegate decisions on IT strategies

Dear Bob ...

I have worked 10 years in IT (network and end-user). My interest -- and a huge need -- is aligning IT actions, goals, and strategy with business actions, goals, and strategy.

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What's Trochanteric Bursitis and How Do You Treat It?

One of the most common causes of pain in the hip is a condition called trochanteric bursitis. The trochanteric bursa is a small fluid filled sack that cushions the outside of the hip. There are actually a number of bursae in the area and the term "trochanteric bursitis" is a generic term used to label bursitis- inflammation of the bursa- affecting any or all of these bursae.

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WordPress hack could put premium users at risk

Malicious hackers have successfully breached servers and potentially made off with sensitive bits of the publishing platform's underlying code.

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How to Lose Weight Safely

How can I lose weight safely? The prevalence of obesity in the world, especially in the United States continues to grow every day.

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Cure Arthritis Now

Cure arthritis naturally by starting a simple healthy regime which will strengthen your body and stave off that pain and swelling. It's easy! Here's how!

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Luddites, leave your tech nostalgia at home

On April Fools' Day, NPR's All Things Considered ran a story about the Slow Internet Movement, based around a coffeehouse called Drip that offered slow Internet service on purpose, to cater to those who yearn for the old days of 14.4kbps modems and waiting 10 minutes to check your email. They even had someone describe the time spent waiting for data to arrive as a form of meditation.

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Pheochromocytoma The adrenal glands are triangularly shaped endocrine glands positioned on top of the kidneys. These glands consist of a medulla that is surrounded by a cortex. The medulla (inner) is the one responsible for the production of the hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine. The cortex (outer), on the other hand, produces the glucocorticoids hormones such as cortisol, androgens (testosterone) and mineralocorticoid hormones such as aldosterone (for fluid and electrolyte balance). These suprarenal glands are considered to be the anti-stress glands of the system. The hormones they produce allow the body to deal with stress. These tiny glands would determine the energy of a person?s response to the changes in the [...]

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Adding Up to Subtract

One of the biggest obstacles to losing weight is making things too complicated. We have a tendency to look for answers in complicated diets, baroque exercise programs and other programs that make things a lot more complex and convoluted than they need to be.

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Medication-Related Injuries on the Rise

The number of people treated in American hospitals for problems related to medication errors has surged more than 50 percent in recent years.

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Lupus - A Growing Epidemic in African-American Women

According to The American College of Rheumatology, Lupus, a complicated autoimmune disease that primarily affects young women can be difficult to diagnose. Systemic lupus erythematosus (known as SLE or lupus) is a type of arthritis. It is classified as an autoimmune disease that affects various tissues and organs of the body.

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4 Ordinary Foods To Eat To Help You Lose Belly Fat

People looking for food to eat to lose belly fat find that there are too many diet schemes and meal plans out there that are complicated and bothersome to make. The ingredients could be difficult to locate or too expensive. Sometimes, a single meal calls for a lot of components making it impractical to make!

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Natural Arthritis Home Remedies

When a person's joint/s is inflamed, he might be suffering from arthritis. The term "arthritis" comes from two Greek words, "athron" which means joints and "itis" which means inflammation. This disease lasts for a long period of time and marked by frequent recurrence. During the early stages, the onset of it affects the entire body and some complete deformation may be present in one or two joints.

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Which Exercises Burn The Most Calories?

Many of us turn to exercise in order to lose weight and get into better shape. If your number one reason for exercise is to lose weight, then you need to know which exercises burn the most calories.

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Great Diet Tips For Helping Your Teen Lose Weight and Enjoy a Healthier Lifestyle

Kids today simply do not get as much exercise as the kids in generations past. Most of this has to do with the fact that technology has had a big hand in this with all the different computer games, the game systems, all of the virtual reality situations that kids have open to them, they basically don't have to leave home unless it's for school. Here are some great tips to get them eating right.

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20 Quick Tips to Transform Your Body

Stop running for miles and miles and instead start resistance training. Running only burns calories whilst you are performing it, whereas resistance training will keep your body burning calories for hours afterwards - even whilst you sleep!

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Gout, Obesity And Your Health

For some reason people choose to ignore the fact that obesity can be seen as the root of all evil, in most health related cases anyway. I have seen patients on forums that have worked out complete regimens of gout therapies and programs for themselves that consist of 8 -12 remedies and medications.

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Natural Arthritis Remedies - 3 Places to Start

Natural arthritis remedies are popular because joint inflammation and the associated pain are closely linked to diet and the vitamins and nutrition that we absorb (or do not absorb). That's one reason why most forms of arthritis usually surface later in life, your system having taken years of abuse or of being deprived of vital nutrients over a long period of time. Fortunately, getting rid of the pain - or at least significantly reducing it - does not take the same amount of time.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why Joint Pain Is A Serious Health Signal

Most people with chronic joint pain miss the real significance of their symptoms. That's because the significance of joint pain goes far beyond its obvious symptoms of discomfort. Regardless of whether the pain is worse with movement or after periods of inactivity or both, the underlying message your body is sending is that there's inflammation present.

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NetSuite, Informatica team up on two-tier ERP

NetSuite and Informatica announced a partnership on Tuesday that seeks to exploit the concept of "two-tier ERP" (enterprise resource planning) deployments.

The companies are co-developing a connector, which will be available in the second quarter, that will tie departmental or divisional implementations of NetSuite's cloud-based OneWorld suite with a core on-premises ERP system from the likes of SAP or Oracle.

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Breast Health 101

As we know, early detection is the key to effective breast cancer cure and arming oneself with all the information about breasts is therefore of vital importance. Learn more about breast health and about what these symptoms relating to breast health mean. 1. Nipple discharge that is not pregnancy or breast feeding related could be [...]

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Binge Eating: Enough Is Enough!

Does it sometimes feel like there's never enough? Like there's a hole inside that can never be filled? What if you could look at yourself, your life, your eating habits and say "Enough is enough!" Learn the secret to accepting yourself, knowing that you truly are enough, and knowing when you've had enough to eat - giving you the key to permanent, healthy weight loss. Now is the time. Enough is enough!

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Scrumptious Desserts (Hold the Guilt)

Recipes for Health columnist offers five desserts to end a meal -- or start your day.

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Beware of Adobe's new subscription pricing

Beware of Adobe's new subscription pricing

The newly released Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 has a smattering of new features, including boosted support for mobile devices and HTML5.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Natural Relief for Arthritis Joint Pain

Arthritis comes from the Greek arthro- meaning joint and -itis meaning inflammation. Joint pain arthritis causes a spectrum of pain from mild and intermittent annoyance to debilitating, life-altering agony. While there is no known cure for arthritis, the joint pain caused by the disease can be treated to improve the arthritis sufferer's quality of life.

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The Pros and Cons of Eating Fish During Pregnancy

Eating healthy during pregnancy is of prime importance as we well know, and eating fish is thought to be good for pregnant women for a number of reasons ? fish is good quality protein and also contains valuable Omega 3 fatty acids that are very valuable nutrients. In fact, most doctors seem to agree that [...]

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Epsilon's epic fail: The numbers don't add up

Epsilon's epic fail: The numbers don't add up

If you haven't yet received an email message from a major company, warning that your email address may have been compromised, you will.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

IBM gets back to basics

IBM Impact, the big annual IBM software event in Las Vegas, can't help but remind you how huge the company is. This year 8,000 customers, partners, and IBM employees are here -- most of them crowded into one cavernous megascreen auditorium for the keynote, kicked off by a rock 'n' roll number that saw three musicians soloing on iPads. It's a feel-good show that typically comes with significant product announcements.

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Tips For People Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis can be daunting at times especially in the workplace, driving your car, and doing household chores. In the office there are several things you can do to make life at work more comfortable for you. Following are some suggestions for rearranging your office.

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Doctors Who Want a Life

Young doctors are increasingly taking salaried jobs, working fewer hours, often going part time and even choosing specialties based on lifestyle reasons.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Gout Medication - Your Choices

The disease gout is a version of arthritis that presents itself when there is too much uric acid in a persons joints. There are two kinds of gout: acute and chronic. Do you need gout treatment?

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Lose Unwanted Weight? Naturally!

If your holidays were anything like mine, then I bet they were filled with family, friends, and a ton of great food — honey-baked hams, mashed potatoes, pecan pies, and more. The only problem with all this great food is that it has a cruel way of adding unwanted extra pounds during a time of [...]

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How long does nicotine stay in your system?

What is Nicotine? Nicotine, an alkaloid found in the leaves of tobacco plant, is an exceptionally addictive substance and is the active component of tobacco smoke. Tobacco leaves contain around two to seven percent nicotine. This substance imitates the effects of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and largely affects the autonomic nervous system.� It can cause paralysis and respiratory failure even at doses below 50 mg. Biosynthesis of nicotine occurs in the roots and carried to the leaves for storage to help protect the plant from insects.� Five percent of tobacco plant?s dry weight is nicotine and depending on the cigarette brand, one stick may have eight to twenty milligrams of nicotine.� [...]

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Biliary colic ? Symptoms and Treatment

Biliary Colic Bile, a substance that helps in fat digestion, is produced at the liver and stored at the gallbladder. After a meal, bile is secreted from the gallbladder to the common bile duct where it goes into the small intestine and is mixed with partly digested food.� An obstruction in its normal flow would cause spasms in the bile duct, an attempt to remove the cause of the blockage. This pain usually occurs a few hours after the consumption of a meal rich in fats and is termed biliary colic. The term ?colic? is in fact misleading since the pain felt in this condition is not intermittent but felt [...]

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Choosing the Right Egg Donor

Choosing the right egg donor is perhaps one of the most important things before becoming a parent using this option. It sounds easy, but choosing the right donor is actually one of the most difficult things one can do. The experts are claiming this choice is full of emotional stress, so try to stay calm, [...]

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Why Can't I Lose Weight? Barriers to Weight Loss: Part 4

Have you ever wondered why you cannot lose weight? Do you feel a constant frustration that your attempts at diet and exercise regimes always fail, even though you do everything right? Well, there are reasons why people hang on to excess weight and these reasons may surprise you. This series of articles aims to highlight some techniques for overcoming the "barriers to weight loss" and help you achieve your goal.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

If You Are Overweight You Are Putting Your Health At Serious Risk

There is not a person alive who wishes to live his life out in sickness; the majority of us have a desire to enjoy health, happiness, love, and fun throughout our entire lives. However, what many do not know is that the lifestyles we are currently leading are not going to give us these results. Instead, the excess fat that we carry around is killing us, silently, from the inside out.

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Color me stupid: A privacy nightmare in the making

It's not like the world needs another social network, yet we keep churning them out. The latest social media darling is named Color, a network designed for the "post-PC era." If you thought Facebook or MySpace was a privacy nightmare, you ain't seen nothing yet.

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Bing for the iPad: Not just a search engine

Bing for the iPad: Not just a search engine

With the debut Thursday of its Bing for iPad app, Microsoft has done more than introduce another search engine to Apple's tablet, which already has search apps by Google and Yahoo available.

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Alzheimer?s Caregivers? Top Three Concerns

– National Survey Co-Sponsored by Alzheimer?s Foundation of America, Eisai and Pfizer Sheds Light on Difficulties Faced by America?s Alzheimer?s Disease Caregivers – Woodcliff Lake, N.J., and New York, October 14, 2010 — Results announced today from a national survey of Alzheimer?s disease (AD) caregivers found that memory loss and confusion, which are cognitive symptoms, [...]

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Online Tool Can Help Seniors Quickly Determine Risk for Dementia

Release Date: 01/12/2011 Assessment designed to educate, not diagnose, but could aid in early intervention A quick online assessment tool developed by Johns Hopkins researchers can help worried seniors find out if they are at risk of developing dementia and determine whether they should seek a comprehensive, face-to-face diagnosis from a physician, according to a [...]

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The Limitations of the 17 Day Diet

With all the hype about the 17 Day Diet you have to wonder what its limitations may be. Is this really a magic cure all, or just another string of yo-yo diets that will come and go? Find out what the limitations of this plan are. Know what to expect when seeking out the best flat tummy diet, how to get rid of the belly fat, and how to obtain an overall healthy body.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Update: SAP ups its in-memory computing ante

SAP strengthened its eager embrace of in-memory computing on Wednesday, announcing plans for a series of applications that include programs it calls previously "unimaginable" as well as some that overhaul existing software.

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Alleviating Arthritis Pain

Living with arthritis can be over-whelming, not only for you - but for family, friends and co-workers. Arthritis refers to an inflammation of the joints. It is known by many names - comprising over 100 diseases and conditions.

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Navigating the thin line between workplace coaching and unsolicited advice

Dear Bob ...

I just read your Advice Line post, "How not to motivate or coach your employees." I was really curious about something you said.

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Recommended Foods for Gout Sufferers

Just because 85% of purines are accounted for by sources other than food doesn't mean though that you can neglect what you eat and indulge on high protein food. Remember that diet is still part of the equation so it may serve gout sufferers well if you do a bit of tweaking in what you eat, which only means that you don't have to completely deprive yourself of eating your favorite steak or barbecue.

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Improve Your Memory Now

If you have trouble recalling people’s names… or if you’ve ever felt absent-minded or forgetful… then you’ll definitely want to watch this free video that shows you how to improve your memory now. When we have mental clarity, life is easier. We’re more productive, relationships improve, and we’re just plain happier. One of my passions [...]

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Pervasive's parallel development API paired with Hadoop MapReduce

Pervasive Software is unveiling on Wednesday version 5.0 of its DataRush parallel application software, which now works with the popular Hadoop MapReduce framework for processing large volumes of data in parallel.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

How Continuously Looking For The Best Weight Loss Program Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts!

If you are thinking about starting a program to lose weight, then you're probably wondering what the best weight loss program is. You can look all over the television, radio, newspaper, magazines, internet, etc and you are guaranteed to find countless options. The frustration of it all makes you feel like giving up before you've even begun!

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NetSuite, Informatica team up on two-tier ERP

NetSuite and Informatica announced a partnership on Tuesday that seeks to exploit the concept of "two-tier ERP" (enterprise resource planning) deployments.

The companies are co-developing a connector, which will be available in the second quarter, that will tie departmental or divisional implementations of NetSuite's cloud-based OneWorld suite with a core on-premises ERP system from the likes of SAP or Oracle.

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How To Successfully Diet for Fat Loss

A man or woman weighing 185 lbs can have a very fit, slender, and muscular body, in contrast to someone weighing only 115 lbs can be flabby, soft, and in poor condition. Considering lean muscle, it's easy to understand the difference between a diet for fat loss and a diet plan for losing weight. Your body will appear fit and also lean with more muscle mass, even when it adds pounds to the scale. Hence, someone that weighs about 140 lbs and has lots of lean body mass will appear better and also thinner in their apparel, rather than someone that weighs the same on the scale, yet is fatter and has less lean muscle.

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Crazy New Workout Ideas For Weight Loss - Do These Before Summertime Comes Around

But back to the subject, working out, losing belly fat, building muscle can be a lot more fun than you think. When it really comes down to it, all you have to do is provide a specific stimulus to your body for it to grow and adapt. And that does not have to be in the weight room or slaving away on the treadmill!

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A Brief Introduction To Arthritis Homeopathic Remedies

If you have arthritis, having an effective alternative to conventional medicines can become very important. Arthritis homeopathic remedies are one of the more trusted and effective treatments people all over the world are using now; it may well be the effective alternative you have been looking for.

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What You Should Know And Ask Your Doctor Before Taking Arthritis Medicine

Everyone must be mindful that arthritis can show up at any age. Arthritis in most cases affects the joints where two bones meet.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why You Will Never Lose Weight With That Attitude

It's not your fault. If you snack when you read, watch TV; grab a take out on a Friday night, over time these things become habitual and habit can be a very difficult thing to break. In this article you will learn how to break those habits that have held you back from achieving your weight loss goals.

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If You Want To Start Fitness Model Training, Ask Yourself This

You see slim, healthy celebs gleefully showing all sorts of skin on TV, in movies, on the covers of magazines and on ads everywhere you look and instead of feel inspired you simply feel discouraged. You don't feel particularly motivated to purchase the products or watch the movies or videos, instead you just feel a sneaking sense of malaise about your own self image. As often as not this is the vague dissatisfied point of departure from which most women embark on some kind of workout or diet routine.

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Some Predictions For 2011

A lot of the tech blogs I read play a game at the start of the year where their writers try to predict some of the new trends of the upcoming year. The fun part is when you get to look back a year (or two) later and see how right or wrong you were. [...]

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Natural Arthritis Home Remedies

When a person's joint/s is inflamed, he might be suffering from arthritis. The term "arthritis" comes from two Greek words, "athron" which means joints and "itis" which means inflammation. This disease lasts for a long period of time and marked by frequent recurrence. During the early stages, the onset of it affects the entire body and some complete deformation may be present in one or two joints.

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Pervasive's parallel development API paired with Hadoop MapReduce

Pervasive Software is unveiling on Wednesday version 5.0 of its DataRush parallel application software, which now works with the popular Hadoop MapReduce framework for processing large volumes of data in parallel.

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What Is the Best Workout to Burn Fat Fast?

For decades we've been told that the best workout to burn fat fast and lose weight is around thirty-five minutes of modest aerobic exercise (for instance running, riding a bicycle, or swimming), carried out about five times each week. In reality, many health and fitness experts still recommend this strategy.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tips For People Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis can be daunting at times especially in the workplace, driving your car, and doing household chores. In the office there are several things you can do to make life at work more comfortable for you. Following are some suggestions for rearranging your office.

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3 Tips to Show You How to Lose the Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is flat out tough. That just needs to be said straight up front. When you go on any sort of diet losing the belly fat is usually the toughest part.

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Doctors Who Want a Life

Young doctors are increasingly taking salaried jobs, working fewer hours, often going part time and even choosing specialties based on lifestyle reasons.

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Get Rid of Gout Pain

Those who have had gout will know the terrible pain which accompanies this arthritis attack. Most often, gout patients tend to feel acute pain in their big toe sometime in the middle of the night which leaves them rather alarmed and shaken. Many of such patients are on the lookout for ways and means to get rid of their gout pains forever.

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Update: Oracle to release finance data warehouse

Oracle is offering a data warehouse tailored for the needs of the financial services industry, the company announced Thursday.

Financial services have found the process of setting up generic data warehouses difficult to complete, the company asserts. The new data warehouse package should eliminate a lot of the routine chores devoted to customizing data warehouses for the financial environment, according to Oracle.

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Tips to Minimize the Double Chin

Because age creeps up on us, as do the pounds, or simply because our genes determine that it should be so, many of us have a double chin to deal with; not the most attractive of facial characteristics! However, with some of these little tips and tricks, you can minimize the appearance of a double [...]

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Operation Transformation Clare style. Well here we are half way through the six weeks. Was I right last week when I said it would be getting harder? Too bloody right I was. Tuesday went into Limerick AGAIN to get checked out by the wicked witch of the East and her team. Seriously, the girls are [...]

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Diaphoresis The body performs best if its temperature is around 37� Celsius (98.6� Fahrenheit). The body?s internal temperature is closely monitored by the hypothalamus. Once the temperature reaches a point where homeostasis is compromised, the hypothalamus will try to lower it by the triggering the sweat mechanism. Sweating is the body?s inherent method of regulating temperature that is why people would sweat more if the temperature outside is high, when doing exercises or when responding to circumstances that would make them afraid, embarrassed or angry. The amount of sweat produced would depend on the number of sweat glands a person has. Normally, a person has around 2 ? 4 million [...]

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How To Lose Fat Quickly?

You've got an important gathering coming up soon so what you need to know right now is how to lose fat quickly, right? It's the only way that you'll fit into that perfect outfit for that perfect occasion. Ok, no time to waste, start reading this article now and learn how to lose fat quickly.

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Rapid Weight Loss Diets - Is Fasting the Way to Go?

Thinking that fasting for weight loss is some kind of a glorified bulimic method or simply a way to starve oneself to death is far from the truth. Fasting for weight loss is highly recommended by many dieticians and even some in the medical community because it is effective for both weight loss and detoxification.

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Getting Your Revenue Share Agreement Right

Too many people regard a revenue share agreement with their partners or affiliates as a zero sum game. They think of it as a pie and the bigger the slice the partner takes the less there is left for them. If this were true then companies would set their sales people?s compensation to zero; after [...]

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What You Should Know About Gout

Unlike many other forms of arthritis, gout affects more men than women. It most commonly affects the joint of the big toe. Gout is fundamentally the consequence of a defect in the body's internal chemistry; it is caused by uric acidic crystals in both of the joints. Uric acid is then created by the collapse of the chemicals which are obtained from genetic substance of cells. It is usually excreted inside the urine. If a surplus of uric acid is created, it accumulates and immediately forms into tiny crystals in both of the joints and in another place. If the crystals go into the joint space, then they will cause irritation, inflammation and also severe pain.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Understanding gout

A lot of people suffer from joint pains of varying kinds these days, and it is often found that a majority of them seek medical assistance only when the pain becomes unbearable. If you happen to be one such person who has been going unmindfully behind all sorts of natural remedies for your joint pain, it would be wise to consult a doctor because you could be suffering from gout. It is important that one has a basic understanding of gout so that it becomes easier to manage the symptoms in a more effective manner.

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The More You Eat the Slimmer You Get - Common Foods That Blast Off Weight

Don't listen when so-called experts tell you that the only way to lose weight is to exercise more and eat less. Certainly that will help you lose weight but it is only a small part of the story: there are other things you can and must do to look your best. And eating the right foods is the best place to start.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Women Should See Their Ob-Gyn Every Year?

According to the updated recommendations of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) women should routinely have a consultation with their obstetrician-gynecologist each year, to conduct certain routine tests and screenings and to obtain certain immunizations. The recommended tests/screenings for women are given below. It is recommended that women aged 19 and above should [...]

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Weight Loss - Is It Just A Physical Goal Or Should You Make It A Mental Goal As Well?

This article contains information on not only the importance of the mental aspect of weight loss but also the physical aspect as well. it also demonstrates the benefit of having a mental defense against anything you may be faced with. It also lets you see that you have an advantage against anything you may be faced with when you have the right frame of mind.

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Alzheimer?s Caregivers? Top Three Concerns

– National Survey Co-Sponsored by Alzheimer?s Foundation of America, Eisai and Pfizer Sheds Light on Difficulties Faced by America?s Alzheimer?s Disease Caregivers – Woodcliff Lake, N.J., and New York, October 14, 2010 — Results announced today from a national survey of Alzheimer?s disease (AD) caregivers found that memory loss and confusion, which are cognitive symptoms, [...]

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Gout And Exercise - Should You Do Exercise If You Are A Gout Sufferer?

During my research on the topic of gout, I often see these questions asked: Should I exercise if I am a gout sufferer and should I exercise during a gout attack? If you were a gout sufferer, meaning that you have a positive gout diagnosis, your priority would be to maintain an overall healthy life style. It is important to know exactly what condition you have in order to manage it effectively.

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rebuild Confidence In Yourself With Weight Loss

Because there had been an increase in the number of people who are overweight or obese over the years, a new trend picking up momentum is one consisting of more healthy habits. People are now looking to lose the extra weight that they carry around. Getting into shape will be a goal for many people this year, and there are many things available to them in the quest for weight loss.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Uric Acid Foods To Avoid - Becoming Free From Gout

One of the biggest uric acid foods to avoid is organ meats like liver and kidneys. It is not because they actually contain uric acid, but because the types of proteins they contain are broken down in our bodies and produce uric acid as a result.

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Dead Air: Tale of an epic Mac fail

It had to happen eventually. After eight-plus years of problem-free computing on Mac OS X computers, I caught a doozy.

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